
Table of Contents

Personal Data

  • Given Name: Pere.
  • Family Name: Quintana Seguí1.
  • Place of birth: Minorca (Spain).
  • Year of birth: 1981.

Researcher identificators

Current Academic Affiliation

Academic Memberships


Meteorology, hydrology, climate, land surface, impacts of climate change, hydrological extremes, floods, droughts, water resources, distributed hydrological modelling, meteorological analysis.

Work Experience


PhD: Meteorology and Hydrology

2005 - 2008 PhD. Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques - Météo-France. Toulouse (France).

Subject: Simulation hydrologique en région méditerranéenne avec SAFRAN-ISBA-MODCOU. Amélioration de la physique et évaluation des risques dans le cadre du changement climatique (Hydrological simulation in the mediterranean area with SAFRAN-ISBA-MODCOU. Improvement of the model's physics and evaluation of risks under climate change.).

More information

MSc: Ocean, Atmosphere and Continental Surfaces

2004 - 2005 Master 2 Recherche "Océan, atmosphère et surfaces continentales". Université Paul Sabatier. Toulouse (France).

Fev - Jun 2005 Research Project: "Amélioration de la simulation des crues en Méditerranée à l'aide du système SIM". Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques. Toulouse (France)

BSc: Physics

1999 - 2004 Llicenciatura en Física. Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain).

Jan - Jul 2004 Erasmus. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Lausanne (Switzerland).


To work as lecturer, professor or researcher in a Catalan university, it is necessary to obtain a quality report from AQU, the Catalan Agency for the Quality of the University System.

  • In 2012, I obtained a favourable report to work as "Tenure-track lecturer" (professor lector).

Also, our research is evaluated in batches of six years. Currently, I have the following periods favorably evaluated by AQU:

  • 2006-2011.
  • 2012-2017.

PhD theses directed

  • Omar Cenobio Cruz, "Advancing hydrological modeling for understanding drought dynamics in the Ebro river basin. The role of Land Surface Models in coupled natural-human systems", directed by P. Quintana Seguí (OE-URL) and Luis Garrote (UPM). 21/11/2023. Excel·lent cum laude. Ramon Llull University.
  • Jacopo Dari, "Towards a better understanding of the Anthropogenic Impact on the Hydrological Cycle: Detecting and Estimating Irrigation through Remote Sensing Soil Moisture", directed by R. Mobidelli (U. Perugia), L. Brocca (CNR-IRPI) and P. Quintana-Seguí (OE-URL). 29/03/2021 Excel·lent cum laude. Florence Univeristy and Ramon Llull University.
  • Qi Gao, "Estimation of water resources on continental surfaces by multi-sensor microwave remote sensing", directed by P. Quintana-Seguí, M.J. Escorihuela and M. Zribi, 30/07/2019, Excel·lent, Observatori de l'Ebre (Universitat Ramon Llull) and CESBIO (Université de Toulouse).
  • Raül Marcos Matamoros, “Improvement of seasonal forecasting techniques applied to wáter resources and forest fires", directed by M. Carmen Llasat and P. Quintana Seguí, 09/02/2016, Excel·lent Cum Laude, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona.

PhD juries

  • 2022. Paolo Filippucci. "High-Resolution Remote Sensing For Rainfall And River Discharge Estimation". Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy).
  • 2020. Michel Le Page. "Une contribution pour l'utilisation de la télédétection spatiale à la gestion de l'eau agricole". Université de Toulouse III (France).
  • 2019. Jordi Etchanchu. "Apport des données de télédétection haute 'resolution et haute répétitivité dans la modélisation hydro-météorologique." Université de Toulouse III (France).
  • 2019. Vicent Favà Figueres. “Efectos climáticos en la Península Ibérica del cambio de fase del índice SNAO en 1967”. Universitat Ramon Llull (Spain).
  • 2017. Ana Genua Olmedo. "Modelling sea level rise impacts and the management options for rice production: the Ebro Delta as an example". Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain).
  • 2016. Rodrigo García Manzanas. “Statistical downscaling of precipitation in seasonal forecasting“. Universidad de Cantabria (Spain).
  • 2016. Miriam Pablos Hernández. “Earth remote sensing with SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP missions”. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain).
  • 2015. Elizabeth Harader. “L’impact du changement climatique sur les événements hydrologiques extrêmes des petits bassins versants méditerranéens : le cas du bassin versant du Lez”. Université Toulouse III (France).
  • 2014. USC. Alberto Martínez de la Torre. “Groundwater influence on soil moisture memory and land-atmosphere interactions over the Iberian Peninsula”. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Peer review

I have peer reviewed articles for:

  • Climate Research.
  • Cuadernos de Investigación geográfica.
  • Earth Science Informatics.
  • Environmental Modelling & Sotware.
  • Global and Planetary Change.
  • Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
  • Journal of Hydrology.
  • Journal of Hydrometeorology.
  • Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
  • Science of the Total Environment.
  • Water.

I have evaluated projects for the Spanish State Research Agency.

  • Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación. Convocatorias 2018 de RTI (Retos Investigación) y PGC (Generación del Conocimiento). Comisión de evaluación científico-técnica del Área-Subárea: CTM-CYA.


  • Catalan: Mother tongue. Grau superior de la JQCV (C2), 2009.
  • Spanish: Native speaker2.
  • English: Cambridge Proficiency Exam (C2), 2003.
  • French3.: Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF), A1, A2, A3, A4 (1997 - 1999). Escola Oficial d'Idiomes, Nivell Avançat (B2), 2015.



My family name is Quintana Seguí, not Seguí. Since 2011, in all my publications I'm writing my name as "Pere Quintana-Seguí", to avoid this confusion. Read more about the Spanish naming convention here.


I made a difference between mother tongue and native speaker, which are usually considered synonyms. Catalan is my mother tongue because this is the language my parents transmitted to me, and, in fact, it is also the language I mainly use with family, friends and coworkers. However, Spanish is widely used in the Catalan speaking regions of Spain. In fact, in Spain, every speaker of Catalan is also a speaker of Spanish. We learn both languages at school and we also use both of them everyday, switching languages very often. Therefore we all speak Spanish as well as any other Spaniard, even though, technically, it is not our mother tongue.


I lived in French speaking countries for five years, working in this language. I even wrote my PhD thesis in French (with some help from my advisors).

Created: 2023-11-29 Wed 16:01
